Swix Base Cleaner liquid is a good option for base cleaning needs. Removes dirt, contaminants, and grip/glide wax from ski bases. Comes in 500mL or bulk 2.5L options. 2.5L is a special order item only!
Swix Aerosol Base Cleaner is a quick go to option for base cleaning needs. Removes dirt, contaminants, and grip/glide wax from ski bases. Comes in a convenient spray bottle.
Swix PRO High Speed (HS) waxes are great gliders for training and competition with very good glide properties. HS can be used as a race wax alone or as a base for top coats. *Equivalent to LF Waxes.
Swix PRO High Speed (HS) waxes are great gliders for training and competition with very good glide properties. HS can be used as a race wax alone or as a base for top coats. *Equivalent to LF Waxes.
K21S is a silver universal klister a very versatile and flexible klister. Having the silver properties within the klister helps with freezing when conditions are changing between coarse and transformed moist snow to wet fine grained snow.
Swix K22 Universal Klister 55g is a VM universal klister which is designed for coarse, granular snow changing from wet to crust conditions. K22 is a very flexible klister that can adapt to quickly changing, corn snow conditions.
Swix PRO Performance Speed (PS) waxes are great gliders for training and competition with very good glide properties. PS can be used as a race wax alone but usually as a base for top coats. *Equivalent to CH Waxes.