The BC Link Mini is a compact single unit radio designed specifically for backcountry recreation with a focus on durability, ease of use and simplicity.
The AIARE Backcountry Decision-Making Guide, developed by the American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education, is a critical snow study tool for those aiming to become avalanche professionals or dedicated students.
Relying solely on the naked eye isn't always sufficient. By taking a closer look at the snow grain, you can arrive at a more precise and informed assessment of the snowpack.
The BCA polycarbonate crystal card offers a platform for evaluating and categorizing snow grains. Snow crystals placed on this card become easily distinguishable and measurable.
The BCA Snow Study Kit is a lightweight and compact carrying case that includes all of Backcountry Access's fundamental tools for comprehending snow science.
The BCA 35 cm snow saw not only cuts both snow and ice, but it can also cut wood. It is the ideal length for isolating snow columns for stability tests.
BCA’s updated probes feature dual-sized depth markings that are easy to see when you’re performing a rescue or logging a snow profile. Pro-level aluminum models are laser-etched to prevent wear.
At BCA, our primary focus is on saving lives. We take pride in our legacy of innovation, including the invention of the digital multi-antenna avalanche transceiver.
The BCA Tracker S™ Avalanche Transceiver offers the same high-level performance, user-friendly operation, and instant real-time display as the Tracker3.